Monday, July 1, 2013

What's In Our Travel Bag To LA!

We're heading to LA in T minus 1.5 days. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Nui Nui will be going to school tomorrow in lieu of July 4th and I'm crossing my fingers she doesn't catch anything. Luckily, she got through the whole nasty hand-foot-mouth thing that was going around a few weeks ago.

It's funny, too, because I thought I might be the only one. A mom-friend, who we're stoked to be meeting up with said the same thing: 'praying he won't get sick either'. Phew, I thought it was just me. If you're a parent, do you do/hope for the same thing when you're about to go on a trip? Share below, I'd love to hear! :>

So I decided to do a What's In Our Travel Bag, a spin off of a What's In My Purse video. I thought it would be interesting to share what we're bringing on our road trip and compare it for when we go to HK. This road trip will be good practice. I mean, we'll be staying in the US, same state even! And with our car, no less. We can definitely be generous with our things and they definitely have Target, so I think we're all set :> ['Let's just hope we don't get a flat ']. I'm ridiculous...

Enjoy and thanks for reading/watching!

So? Did I forget anything? Let me know down below in the comments or tweet me! We still have 1.5 days left to pack! :>

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