Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My First Objective-C/Xcode Assignment Done!

I just completed my first assignment of Stanford's Coding Together: Developing Apps for iPhone and iPad (Winter 2013) class!

Here's what my code for CardGameViewController.m looks like, followed by my Xcode project overview, and iOS Simulator! :> :>

My goal was to finish this assignment today. Done done and done! I'm literally through the roof right now and hope you're having a stellar day yourself! :> I know it's not much— just a few lines of code— but it's also one step closer to becoming an app developer [and reassurance that a) my engineering degree really wasn't for nothing and b) I really do know how to learn, I'm not kidding... :> :>

What goals have you accomplished lately? Share below or Tweet/Instagram us, we'd love to hear! :> :> xoxo

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