Saturday, November 2, 2013

First Pair Of Ripped Jeans

I decided a little while back that the only pair of pants I would ever buy and wear again (if I could help it) were leggings or some form of them (jeggings, kheggings, pleggings...) but I saw these jeans in H&M (on the sale rack, of course) and, for some reason, just had some image of Katie Holmes in a pair like these looking just so relaxed and yet elegant at the same time so decided to try them for fun. The color was nice— a faded wash, slight hint of gray— and ripped, and Katie Holmes, well, admittedly has been on my radar as of late. Team Katie, 100% :>

I've never owned a pair of ripped jeans before (it's about time, I know :>) and I was surprised to find that the sheds actually made the jeans more comfortable and also that the denim was actually really soft— in the past, I've found H&M jeans not very comfortable.

So here they are.

What do you think? And what are your favorite pair of jeans?

Share in the Comments below, we'd love to hear! :> xoxo

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