Friday, September 13, 2013

First Week Of New School!

This week was Nui Nui's first full week at her new school. Well, she's only going 2 days but still. First full week. That makes it three days so far :>

So far, well, so so good. A parent's greatest fear: she was sent to the principal's office every day since day one. Apparently, Nui Nui wakes up screaming her head off and disturbing the other kids during nap time. The Directora brings her into her office and there she lays down quietly for the rest of the time. This, and not drinking enough milk during the day— this happened at her previous school in the beginning, everything else seems to be going ok. I think it's just taking some adjustment. Drop-offs are surprisingly easily. Go, put her stuff away, kiss good-bye, walk out. No crying. It's what the school recommends. On the Day 2, the Directora actually almost scooted me out. A clean good-bye, she believes works best and I think she's right.

On Wednesday, we had a New Parent Orientation meeting packed with a lot of info for the upcoming school year, including rules and how they run things. I thought that was really helpful in comparison to her previous school.

Speaking of that school, I left very disappointed without any work from the entire year! They told me they didn't send work home and, instead, kept a portfolio together that you got to take home later. That was NOT the case. Very disappointing. So, advice to all you parents out there— (politely) demand work daily if you want it.

So far, I am excited about this new school. Their curriculum seems focused and structured and like they really know what they are doing. I can't really say that about the previous school. They promote independence— ie. Nui Nui is already practicing putting on her shoes and even learning to conserve water when washing hands— and they are willing to even help potty train her. This weekend I'll be going out to purchase extra pants for the process. Moreover, they even promote family interaction with a ton of activities. In a couple of weeks, we'll be going on a school picnic on the weekend, there'll be costumes and trick-or-treating on Halloween, a Thanksgiving feast, and even Mother's Day brunch. Go figure! Sounds like novelty though it makes complete sense. Perhaps this is an advantage to independent vs. franchise schools. Definitely something to consider when looking around.

I think my goal now, for this school, is to post things Nui Nui learns on a weekly basis. I know at some point it'll be difficult to keep everything so this would be a great way to organize and be able to share with all of you Dear Readers :> I am also going to use it as a tool to help reinforce topics with Nui Nui outside of school.

I didn't bring home any works of art yet but will be sure to post once I do.

Below is Nui Nui's daily log for this week and some topics she covered on Wednesday. I was concerned about the 'sad' comment but think sad=tired...

How has your back-to-school been?

Share this post and comment below, we'd love to hear! :> xoxo

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