Tuesday, September 17, 2013

School-Week Photos And Summaries Via Prezi :>

I've been getting a lot emails from Nui Nui's new school, which I am admittedly not used to. It's not that I can't handle a ton of email but.. I don't know what it is. I just don't get to all of them immediately and realized the significance so am slapping the back of my hand for it.

So! Nui Nui's school actually uses Prezi, which I am familiar with from my last job. Prezi is basically a schmancy presentation app that uses Flash and a ZUI (Zooming User Interface), which allows the motion of zoom in and out of different parts. Personally, I think it's nauseating to flip through (and I'm not the only one who thinks so) but I'm not complaining either.

So, what's cool about this new school is that they actively take pics of the kids, document what they did each day, and summarize it beautifully in a Prezi. How awesome is that? Now, I've heard of texting or emailing pics of the kids throughout the day or week at other schools but this is nice. Schmancy, even. I'm wondering if other schools do this— comment below if they do. If not, WHY DON'T THEY? I seriously have a deep-found respect for those that utilize technology to enhance the learning/educational experience. Seriously.

So here's the overview. The small circles are placements for the photos (which I didn't include).

And here's individual pics I pulled of Nui Nui.

So cool.

What cool things is your school doing?

Share in the Comments below, we'd LOVE to hear! :> xoxo

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