Sunday, March 24, 2013

18 Months! A Day Of Celebration! :>

18 months! One and a half! My goodness! Still wrapping my head around the number, however which was I say it :> :>

It was a beautiful day today and we celebrated Nui Nui's birthday with cupcakes, warriors, and a trip to the park :>

Nui Nui helped me do some prep— she lined the muffin tin with the paper cups :>— and then watched me measure and mix and scoop and decorate. I'm looking forward to cooking and baking with her more when she's bigger.

When she sees me in the kitchen, whether it be cutting oranges or making a salad, she always wants to be there with me and watch. Immediately she'll run to the laundry room and yell 'ladder!'. By ladder she means the two-stepper step stool, which she now can climb independently. I think her height helps :>

Today started off with her showing off her new, seemingly all-of-a-sudden [though I know it's been months-in-the-works] skills of drinking out of a 'real' cup :> :>

Single-handed, no less :> :>

Then we had a good ole fashion bowl of heart-healthy oatmeal...

Finger-lickin' mmm...

And then came the cupcakes :>

A fun bunch :>

And then some chillin' with friends :>

And making out some too :>

It was a good day with the Warriors :>

Eating large pieces of food now... 'because that's what big girls do'...

My, how far we've come... through the tunnel of love :> :>

So many developments, new words, knowledge, and personality! We love her... to pieces! :> :>

A slideshow of the full album!

How do you celebrate birthdays? Share below, we'd love to hear! :>


  1. Oh wow!! You made some fancy cupcakes!! Sad we had to reschedule! Happy 18 month bday to m!!! WOW drinking out of a big girl cup! She is so smart!!!

    1. Thanks Jaclyn! Sorry we missed you at the park. Hope you had a rockin' day nonetheless! :>


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