I was tired of our usual Saturday lunch Barnes fare, so we decided to go to CPK. Mom is so flex it's amazing, admirable, and appreciated. When we got there, we couldn't believe it— there was actually a wait. 15-20 minutes. The wait ended up being 25-30 minutes and they managed to cram us in a three-person booth in the corner. I was skeptical of the strapless booster but Mom seemed confident Nui Nui could handle it. And guess what? She did! No problem!
Like Pau Pau, this kid is amazing. She's growing up and learning just so fast it's ridiculous. Ridiculously amazing, that is :>
Aside from the booster seat, Nui Nui also impressed me with her wooden puzzle skills. Pau Pau's been telling me they do it together during the week but I just had no idea. She casually told me she's getting better but, seriously, the girl can do it all by herself! The whole thing!
You (figurative) take for granted simple tasks and really see, value, and appreciate the time, effort, and practice it once took. When I was watching Nui Nui do the puzzle tonight, I could actually see her think. I saw her analyze and use her motor skills, rotate the piece, and try again. Mommahood is a blessing and I am thankful— for both my Mom and Nui... they are the best to laugh with :>
Real, polite girls eat bread with a fork :>
What did you do and/or accomplish this weekend? Comment below, we'd love to hear! :>
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