Friday, July 11, 2014

Rocking On The Balcony!

With the help of our tomato plant, we are better able to take advantage of our balcony :>

There's this tune/jingle I've sung to Nui Nui ever since around when she was born— just a tune that I made up myself. It goes something like: Rocking rocking rocking on my XYZ (fill in the blank). Well, she's picked up the tune, just like our Sisters Song :> Love it. These times and this kid.

Funny story about this rocking chair: I bought this chair at the Target in Brooklyn. We got a decent parking spot— only a few blocks away... which is good for NYC. Well, I was determined to get this chair (I've always wanted a rocking chair) and I carried it for those few blocks by myself. This chair has been with me for years, hauled through various states and eventually cross-country. Now, I'm finally able to take advantage of it outside, where it belongs with the love of my life :> Funny how things end up, huh?

What stories do you have about old furniture (or other belongings)? Share in the Comments, we'd love to hear! :> xoxo

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